Events Archive

10aciousdm21, Retrospective Exhibition | Thursday 4th- Saturday 27th May

On the occasion of the tenth anniversary of the inception of designermakers21, a visual narrative mapping the evolution of an extraordinary craft centre.

The exhibition runs from Thursday 4th- Saturday 27th May, in the Gallery Upstairs at designermakers21.

10aciousdm21 retrospective exhibition may 2023 diss norfolk
Events Archive

‘Save Our Story’ Presentation, The Gallery Upstairs @designermakers21 | Saturday 4th February, 11.30am and 2pm. FREE no booking required.

save our story public presentation
Events Archive

Keeley Chapman – Solo Show | 1st-25th September 2022 EXTENDED UNTIL SATURDAY 8th OCTOBER

A solo show by ceramicist Keeley Chapman

‘Wife, mother and artist creating interpretative sculpture by harnessing the raw elements of nature: earth, fire, air and water. Beautifully unique and decorative pieces forged in the ancient art of raku.

Keeley evokes fragility in her art and uses materials which have been weathered naturally. Often this involves firing clay at lower temperatures and using glazes which, over time, can react to their environment. This natural decay hints at the circle of life: from the earth, of the earth, and back to the earth.’

Visit the exhibition every Thursday to Saturday 10am-5pm. Join us for the Open Evening Friday 9th September 6-8pm.

Join Keeley on Saturday 17th September for a demonstration and ‘have a go day’.

Events Archive

Elephant in the Room – an exhibition by designermakers21 and friends @ Diss Corn Hall | 2nd – 29th July

‘Elephant in the Room’- DM21 on tour.

In this eclectic exhibition members and friends interpret the expression “Elephant in the Room” in a variety of craft disciplines and perspectives.

The exhibition will be on display in the Lower Gallery at The Corn Hall in Diss, and open Monday-Saturday between 10am and 4pm.

Wooden Horn with Pyrography detail by David Whatley