Events Archive

FREE ‘Have a Go’ Afternoon, try out different Crafts with our members | 24.02.24 12pm-4pm

have a go day afternoon 24th February 2024 poster
Events Archive

Ceramics in Action, a day of drop-in demonstrations and ‘Have-a-Go’ Sessions | Saturday 8th July, 11am-4pm

Come along to ceramics in Action on Saturday 8th July, an immersive day celebrating all things clay!

Six potters will be demonstrating their skills, and offering ‘Have a Go’ sessions throughout the day (11am-4pm).

Watch demonstrations of the Pinch Pot technique with Pam Schomberg, and see a medieval Potters’ Wheel in action!

Try your hand at coil building, texturing clay and throwing on the potters’ wheel with our members and visiting artists.

Some sessions will run with bookable slots throughout the day, at busy times you may be asked to join another activity until space becomes available. There is lots to see at designermakers21, and Ceramics in Action runs in conjunction with ‘The Earth Sings’, an exhibition of ceramics and paintings by East Anglian Artists.

ceramics in action saturday 8th july 11am-6pm have a go sessions at designermakers21, diss