If you are an aspiring crafts person or artist please visit designermakers21 and talk to the resident members for advice and inspiration, or apply for a Showcase exhibition. If you are already a practicing crafts person or artist and would like to exhibit in the Showcase or the larger exhibition space, or just looking to share advice and problems, please come along and have a chat with the members, you will definitely find sympathetic opinions and experiences.

We are looking for Craft Makers and Artists to exhibit in our Showcase

The Showcase is an exhibition space for 3 crafts people, or artists, to display their work for a three month period. If you are interested in applying please have a look at the forms below, or visit designermakers21 during opening hours and have a chat with Joy Holden the Showcase coordinator.

Showcase hiring fees:

February-April £75 
May-July £75
August-October £75 
November-January £85

If you would like to apply for the Showcase please view a PDF application form by clicking here.

open a Word format application form by clicking here.

We Are Looking for Volunteers

If you are someone with time on your hands and would like to meet new people and help contribute to this exciting project fill in a Volunteer form or come along and chat with Mike Fenton or Annette Rolston the Volunteer coordinators, they will have some hard copies to fill out and submit.

If you are interested in volunteering in our shop on Thursday, Friday or Saturday please download, fill and submit the one of the forms below:
view a PDF application form by clicking here.

open a Word format application form here.

We are looking for artists/makers to take part in our Saturday ‘Pop-Ups’

We are looking for designer/makers/artists to join us on a Saturday for a ‘pop-up’. It is free to take part, and is an opportunity to promote your work and demonstrate your processes to visitors. You may sell your work if you wish, but must have means to take payments. For further information please contact Annette Rolston at annetterol@yahoo.com or pop in for a chat at designermakers21!

We are looking for Guest Members to join our Project

This scheme is aimed at crafts people who are considering applying for full membership and/or would like to experience working in a shared studio space temporarily.

If you are interested in applying for Guest Membership, and for more information, please get in touch with Caroline Hyde-Brown our Guest Member Coordinator at artistcaz@aol.com.

Apply and view a PDF application form by clicking here

open a Word format application form by clicking here

We are looking for Associate Members to join our waiting list

Because of limited space in the gallery we are not currently seeking Associate members, but if you are a designer/maker and interested in joining our waiting list please view a PDF application form by clicking here.


open a Word format application form here.